How Can A Better Site Improve Enrollment?

Your website is often a parent's first impression of your charter school. By building a website that your staff, parents and students love, you can save a lot headache. Also, your online presence and Google ranking depends on your website's speed and design. Make your website something that truly represents your mission and vision.
Reasons for a
High-Converting Website
What does your current website say about your school?
A high-converting website is essential for a charter school to grow and expand. If enrollment is down, your website might very well be the reason. You can't win a marathon in sandals, or the Indy 500 in a 1997 Honda Civic. A new and improved website will help in the following ways:
High conversion-rate amongst website visitors.
Better online reputation.
Easier for parents, students and staff to use.
Higher ranking on Google & other search engines.
Faster loading speed.
Mobile-friendly user interface (most internet searches happen on cell phones).
More enrollments!