What is the Affiliate Program?
It is our way of compensating leaders who connect charter schools to our enrollment boosting services. By referring someone to Charter Connect, you are orchestrating a win-win situation!
Our data-driven marketing services are a proven way to increase enrollment for charter schools. By connecting us with schools, you are helping us serve more students and communities.
Affiliate Partner Tiers
Level 1
Any Referral
5% Revenue Sharing
Level 2
10+ Referred Connections
7.5% Revenue Sharing
Level 3
20+ Referred Connections
10% Revenue Sharing
For Example...
If you were to refer a district of 13 schools that partners with Charter Connect, you would earn 7.5% of the monthly revenue that is collected from our services. That would translate to you receiving a $1,500 check each month.
If you were to connect us with 20 schools, that would translate to roughly $3,000 a month just for orchestrating a win-win relationship.
How it works...
It's easy and old school (pun intended).
1) Simply ask you point of contact at a school, "How is your enrollment looking for the upcoming year?"
2) Invite them to meet with one of our enrollment marketing specialists.
3) Once permission is given, just send us an email with their contact information.
4) We'll take it from there!
If they sign up for any of our services, you'll begin to receive monthly commission for orchestrating a win-win relationship.